夏・冬入試で院生を受け入れます https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/admissions
We accept graduate students for summer and winter admissions
If you have any questions for the graduate students in our lab, please DM us at this Instagram account (@yuiko.f_gsii) or email us at utokyo.yuikofujitalab@gmail.com.
著書・論文:『文化移民ー越境する日本の若者とメディア』(新曜社、2008)、『ワンオペ育児』(毎日新聞出版、2017)、『ファッションで社会学する』(共編著、有斐閣、2017)『働く母親と階層化』 (共著、勁草書房、2022)他。
私の主な研究テーマは比較的広いのですが、このリンク先に主な論文がありますのでぜひご覧ください → こちらです
Areas of Specialization: Media and communication studies, sociology (media, culture, and family), ethnography, qualitative research methods.
Publication: “Cultural Migrants from Japan: Youth, Media and Migration in NY and London” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2009), Working Mothers and Ineuqality in Japan (Routlede, forthcoming, 2026) For more information, please visit → https://researchmap.jp/read0155917
I often receive questions about the type of students I am looking for, and the key factor is whether your research interests match those of your supervisor. My main research themes are relatively broad, and you can view my primary publications at the following link: Here