夏・冬入試で院生を受け入れます https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/admissions
We accept graduate students for summer and winter admissions
If you have any questions for the graduate students in our lab, please DM us at this Instagram account (@yuiko.f_gsii) or email us at utokyo.yuikofujitalab@gmail.com.
著書・論文:『文化移民ー越境する日本の若者とメディア』(新曜社、2008)、『ワンオペ育児』(毎日新聞出版、2017)、『ファッションで社会学する』(共編著、有斐閣、2017)『働く母親と階層化』 (共著、勁草書房、2022)他。
詳しくはこちらのリンク先をご覧下さい → https://researchmap.jp/read0155917
Areas of Specialization: Media and Culture, Race and Gender, Globalization, Cultural Production, Labor, Inequality, Ethnography, Qualitative Research Methods, etc.
Publication: “Cultural Migrants from Japan: Youth, Media and Migration in NY and London” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2009), Working Mothers and Ineuqality in Japan (Routlede, forthcoming, 2026) For more information, please visit → https://researchmap.jp/read0155917