Yuiko Fujita, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies,
Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies,
The University of Tokyo
東京大学大学院情報学環 藤田結子研究室
113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1
Areas of Interest: Media, Culture, Globalization, Race and Gender, Ethnography.
Google Scholar Citations Yuiko Fujita
Email: yuikofujita4140@gmail.com
Currently, I am researching the following themes using qualitative research methods, including ethnography:
■Research Projects
- Media and Migration, Cultural Production
Global cities like New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo attract numerous professionals and artisans under the influence of media. This research projct examines cases in the cultural industries, such as art, fashion, and food. - Care Work and Technology
The advancement of digital technology is changing the meaning and value of care work, such as childcare, elderly care, and household chores, traditionally performed by women. This research project focuses on the impact of social media platforms, and social robots, particularly in the context of intersectionality involving race, gender, and class, with a focus on cases in Japan. - Youth and Social Media Use
This reserach project investigates how young people use social media related to location-sharing information and political information, and how these affect their attitudes and everyday lives. - Ethnographic Method
I study ethnographic methods, including both face-to-face and digital, and develop approaches to training students in these skills within classroom settings.
■ Education
University of London, Goldsmiths, UK, Ph.D. (Communications, 2006)
Columbia University, NY, USA, M.A. (Sociology)
Editorial Boards
- The Sociological Review, UK (2021-present)
- The Japan Sociological Review, Editor (2021-2023)
- International Journal of Japanese Sociology, The Japan Sociological Society, Editor (2006-2015)
Journal Referee
💂🗽The Sociological Review, Japan Forum, International Journal of Cultural Studies, American Sociological Review, Media Asia, Annals of Leisure Research etc.
🗾Japan Sociological Review, International Journal of Japanese Sociology , Journal of Mass Communication Studies, Journal of Cultural Anthropology, The Annual Review of Cultural Studies, Migration Policy Review, Journal of Labour Sociology and others

When I was a child, I lived in Maryland, near Washington, D.C., in the U.S. I made friends from diverse backgrounds, which became the basis of my interests in research and hobbies, such as travel and hip-hop.